VetStrategy Changes Policy on Declawing Domestic Cats
June 18, 2018

In March of 2017, the CVMA announced its opposition to elective and non-therapeutic declawing of domestic cats. To quote CVMA president Dr. Troy Bourque “From an ethical viewpoint, the CVMA views this surgery as unacceptable as it offers no advantage to the feline and the lack of scientific evidence leaves us unable to predict the likelihood of long-term behavioural and physical negative side effects.”
Effective June of 2018, VetStrategy has taken the position to no longer provide elective declawing in cats except in situations where it is medically necessary. We encourage clients to discuss available options with their veterinarian. They will be able to provide clients with further details and alternatives. To locate a veterinary practice nearest you, view our list of Clinics & Hospitals.
We have provided some suggestions to help with scratching below:
- Routine nail trims. We recommend starting to trim their nails as kittens (if possible), so they can become comfortable with the process.
- Vinyl nail caps such as Soft Paws.
- Provide alternative scratching surfaces such as a sturdy post/pad made of a material the cat wants to scratch. Consider placing the post/pad in a prominent area in the household as cats prefer to scratch in high-traffic areas.
- Use barriers such as double-sided tape on the corners of sofas in order to deter them from scratching furniture.
- Consult a behaviourist. Many will provide consultations online or over the phone.
For more information on declawing alternatives, visit CatVets.